Thursday, November 5, 2009

Why is it that all of the deadly viruses are always from Asia???

Now that they found a dead turkey with the bird flu strain in Britian. I cant help but keep asking myself, why do all viruses get their start in Asia. Please do not give me any politically correct answers. I want the TRUTH!

Why is it that all of the deadly viruses are always from Asia???antivirus programs

One theory suggests that emerging human viruses are the result of increasingly dense human populations eliminating natural areas of diversity (normal ecosystems). When this happens all of the viruses are under strong selection to invade this new high density host, human beings. Asia meets this criteria in that the humans are extremely densely populated, Africa is an area where we are cutting out huge swaths of the original ecosystems.

This would also explain why most human diseases find their origin in Europe, the first place humans lived in high density populations.

Why is it that all of the deadly viruses are always from Asia???computer protection

No AIDS comes from Africa

MAd Cow from the UK
They are not all found in Asia. Many originate in Africa like Ebola. You dont hear a lot about that because they dont want you to know what they are doing over there to the villiages that get it (burn the whole villiage type of thing). Many disease come from third world countries because lets face it- they are drinking water that their sewage runs into, and its a really dirty place. Other serious diseases come from places like the Amazon and again Africa- where there are many, many misquitos- which transmit diseases like malaria and yellow fever. Asia's not the only place. Look at the Center for disease control's website. Its very informative.
Are you kidding me? LOL. Who in their right mind would assume that ALL deadly viruses came from one continent? I would hope that these answers would help you think with an open mind. Well..what about AIDS? Did it originate from Asia as well? NO, IT DID NOT. Do some more research before you make any other ridiculous assumptions.
So you never heard of the bubonic plague ?

You sound like one of the flat earth people . . .

And that is the truth !

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