Thursday, November 5, 2009

Is it true that Macs don't get viruses???

I will be purchasing a lap top some time soon, and I heard that Macs don't viruses. I thought that would be a good plus. Thanks for your response.

Is it true that Macs don't get viruses???anti virus software

It's largely true, mainly due to the Mac having such a small market share that few viruses are written specifically to attack it. If you use word or excel on mac, though, many viruses that attack those applications are cross platform, so I'd advise you to run an antivirus program, or a security suite written for Mac. The best one I've tried is from Intego.

Is it true that Macs don't get viruses???aurora

not true
They can get some viruses but most viruses aren't made compatable with macs they rarely get viruses they're basically industructable my shool uses macs for that reason
there are less viruses for mac but mac can get them too
Yes, that is true to a large degree, although mainly for technical reasons. There actually are only a handful of viruses in the wild that could infect a Mac. Mac OSX's underlying technology is UNIX, (very akin to the design of Linux) which is designed from the ground up as a secure multi-user operating system. Viruses have a very hard time surviving in a UNIX or Linux environment, due to very specific separations of user and administrator permissions. The above mentioned statement from someone that there are few viruses on the Mac because it isn't as common as Windows is only partially right. The other reasons are in the underlying design. If you are curious about Mac's seemly virus resistance, check out this page:

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