Monday, June 21, 2010

How can I know if an adult web page has viruses?

I have the Norton anti virus but, I don't know if that is enough to avoid viruses when I open some web page that I don't know.

How can I know if an adult web page has viruses?auto protect

you can know until you get there, you can have anti virus software tell you if the is a risk

How can I know if an adult web page has viruses?downloads

Get the program Avast! Anti-Virus. It will ring an alarm and say "Caution, a virus has been detected" if there is a virus.

Hope that helped!
If you use firefox instead of Internet explorer, the chance of you getting a virus lower a lot. The only way to get a virus on your computer just by viewing a web page is by exploiting a vulnerability inside your browser, like the activeX control. Change your browser and you shouldn't have to worry anymore. Just -don't- download any .exe, .pif, .bat or .com file and you don't have to worry.
Use McAffe site advisor, it will read the site when you are on it and if it is reported, it will show why and show a red background and also tell you to get off, if it isnt reported bad and is good, it will show a green background on its tool saying "This site has been checked and is safe" or somthing. Finally if it is kinda good and kinda bad, it will show a yellow background meaning it is a cautioned website, use at risk.
Site Advisor as posted above and

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