Is that true? Or do people just not bother with writing viruses for Mac's because they prefer doing them for PC's.
Is it true that Mac's can't get viruses?virus protection
The latter. PCs, because of the complexity and many vulnerabilities of Windows and common Windows applications is a much bigger target - if you're a virus writer, you hav a choice of going after 90% + of the desktop PCs in the world, or 6% for Macs - the Windows PCs are easier to attack, easier to take over, and easier to control en masse, which is why the Storm botnet, for example,
is a major threat to internet security.
Is it true that Mac's can't get viruses?agv
The level of sophistication is higher, therefore the virus that do exsist are not detectable as the analysts are not given access to proprietary Apple systems.
Often Mac users have the same bias XP sp1 users had for the first few months.
Do you ever wonder why Apple has a back door into the systems and no one complains.
Mac's make up a small portion of total computer users, something like 10%. So people don't waste their time writing them for macs cause they would affect a lot less people.
Even if they "can't" get them... Hackers would find a way to write one.
No, it is possible. But there are much less people on the internet running a mac, then people with windows machine that have expired anti virus definitions. I believe the only way the virus on the mac is installed is after you download it and mac will ask for your password.
They can see the link i've given you
technically, but it's only because so little people are using macs as compared to pcs. Before just recently, they have never had a virus
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